Saturday, October 12, 2013

NKES Art on Display at Capital One in Richmond

Megan Countiss, art teacher at both NKES and GWES recently shared some pictures of NKES student art work on display at Capital One in Richmond:

This is a great opportunity for our young students to see their work in a public gallery - I know our kids are thrilled to know their art is on display!  Thanks for making this happen, Megan!

This student art gallery has me thinking about the ways we display and publish our students' learning products.  Not too long ago, the only avenues available to us for displays of student work were bulletin boards in our classrooms or hallways, student presentations in classes or student assemblies, galleries at school events or, perhaps, in displays sponsored by a community organization or business.

We now have so many more tools available to us to display and publish student work virtually, in addition opportunities such as the Capital One student gallery.  We all know that when students know that their products are going to be shared with others, they are often more motivated and develop higher-quality, more complex products.  Sharing student work can also help students connect to their community and to the larger world and can give students the opportunity to have valuable feedback on their work.

Think about the opportunities you give students to share, display and publish their work.  Take advantage of tools such as Google webpages, blogs, and "live" displays and presentations to allow your students to share what they have learned, develop important presentation and communication skills, and connect their work to the "real world."

Don't forget, student privacy is important - if you have questions about acceptable methods of publication or display of student learning products, ask an administrator!

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